Reverse Log: ============ G8T, 145 MHz --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Beschreibung: Dieses 'reverse Log' wurde nicht von der Station selbst eingereicht, sondern aus allen dem Auswertern bekannten QSOs erzeugt. Es enthaelt somit nicht zwingend alle QSOs der Station. Nichtsdestotrotz erlaubt es eine Analyse der empfangenen Seriennummer und daraus resultierender problematischer QSOs. Selbige sind folgendermassen markiert: -- D -- 'Doppelt': Zwei aufeinaderfolgende QSOs mit identischer Seriennummer. Beide QSOs bleiben gueltig. -- M -- 'Verschiebbar': Die Seriennummer ist nicht in der logischen Reihenfolge, kann aber durch Verschiebung in einem 5 min Fenster in die richtige Reihenfolge gebracht werden. Das QSO bleibt gueltig. -- X -- 'Ungueltig': Die Seriennummer des QSOs ist nicht in der logischen Reihenfolge. Das QSO ist ungueltig. -- U -- 'Unklar': Unklare Situation. Das QSO koennte durch manuelle Intervention fuer ungueltig erklaert werden. Description: This reverse log is generated by collecting all good QSOs claimed by other contest participants when the original log is not available. Thus, it might not contain all QSOs done by the station. Nevertheless it allows tracking of the stations activity and its analysis might result in detecting problematic and potentially problematic QSOs. They are marked with the following codes: -- D -- 'Double': Two adjacent QSOs have the same QSO number, both QSOs stay valid. -- M -- 'Moveable': QSO number is out of sync but can be moved in sync by shifting in a five minute time window. QSO stays valid. -- X -- 'Excluded': QSO is out of sync and can not be moved in sync by shifting in a five minute time window. QSO is invalid. -- U -- 'Unclear': Unclear situation. QSO might be lost by manual review. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2025-03-01 14:09:00 G8T 59 0009 JO01NC DF8V 59 0001 JN39LH 2025-03-01 14:12:00 G8T 55 0012 JO01NC DL4VAI 59 0002 JN39OJ 2025-03-01 15:14:00 G8T 59 0053 JO01NC DL4SBK 59 0011 JN48PV 2025-03-01 15:25:00 G8T 59 0059 JO01NC DH1PAL 59 0040 JO30JP 2025-03-01 15:32:00 G8T 55 0062 JO01NC DF0EN 59 0014 JO31JG 2025-03-01 15:34:00 G8T 59 0065 JO01NC DK5EZ 59 0040 JO31NH 2025-03-01 15:35:00 G8T 59 0066 JO01NC DK2GZ 59 0102 JN49GB 2025-03-01 15:36:00 G8T 59 0068 JO01NC DJ3AM 59 0013 JO32RG 2025-03-01 15:37:00 G8T 59 0069 JO01NC DL0RN 59 0037 JO31IJ 2025-03-01 15:41:00 G8T 59 0072 JO01NC DL1FAR 59 0030 JO40CB 2025-03-01 15:42:00 G8T 59 0073 JO01NC DL0GM 59 0030 JO31UB 2025-03-01 15:42:00 G8T 59 0074 JO01NC DL0EI 59 0048 JO30DO 2025-03-01 15:43:00 G8T 59 0075 JO01NC DK6QO 59 0035 JO42IB 2025-03-01 15:46:00 G8T 59 0078 JO01NC DL4OCF 59 0050 JO52IJ 2025-03-01 15:48:00 G8T 59 0081 JO01NC DL2YDS 59 0050 JO42BC -- X -- 2025-03-01 15:52:00 G8T 57 0057 JO01NC DJ7YP 59 0057 JO41FD 2025-03-01 15:53:00 G8T 59 0083 JO01NC DL1EHG 59 0043 JO31JF 2025-03-01 15:54:00 G8T 59 0084 JO01NC DC6CX/P 59 0020 JO31SE 2025-03-01 15:55:00 G8T 59 0085 JO01NC DF2BR 59 0007 JO43HB 2025-03-01 15:55:00 G8T 59 0086 JO01NC DF1HF 59 0032 JO43VF 2025-03-01 15:59:00 G8T 59 0090 JO01NC DL3YCW 59 0012 JO42HB 2025-03-01 16:03:00 G8T 59 0094 JO01NC DL7ACN 59 0072 JN49JC 2025-03-01 16:05:00 G8T 59 0096 JO01NC DG1E 59 0038 JO31LE 2025-03-01 16:12:00 G8T 59 0100 JO01NC DD8EI 59 0032 JO31NC -- D -- 2025-03-01 16:12:00 G8T 59 0102 JO01NC DF1BO 59 0004 JO30SK -- D -- 2025-03-01 16:13:00 G8T 59 0102 JO01NC DL1MP 59 0009 JO30TV 2025-03-01 16:16:00 G8T 59 0104 JO01NC DF1EE 59 0031 JO31LN 2025-03-01 16:17:00 G8T 59 0105 JO01NC DG5SFW 59 0010 JN49PF 2025-03-01 16:18:00 G8T 59 0107 JO01NC DB4LL 59 0031 JO31OM 2025-03-01 16:25:00 G8T 59 0113 JO01NC DL9DBF 59 0015 JO40AV 2025-03-01 16:25:00 G8T 59 0114 JO01NC DB3DY/P 59 0027 JO30WW 2025-03-01 16:30:00 G8T 59 0118 JO01NC DD8DW 59 0089 JO31WO 2025-03-01 16:35:00 G8T 53 0120 JO01NC DL5XAT 59 0019 JO53CN 2025-03-01 16:39:00 G8T 57 0122 JO01NC DD1OP 58 0017 JO42NG 2025-03-01 16:42:00 G8T 59 0129 JO01NC DL6OA 59 0011 JO30WU 2025-03-01 16:47:00 G8T 57 0133 JO01NC DA2DX 59 0028 JO31UO 2025-03-01 16:52:00 G8T 55 0136 JO01NC DQ1A 59 0061 JO30JU 2025-03-01 16:54:00 G8T 59 0138 JO01NC DL0RD 59 0041 JO31JJ 2025-03-01 17:08:00 G8T 55 0148 JO01NC DD7EQ 59 0034 JO31IG 2025-03-01 17:38:00 G8T 59 0162 JO01NC DH1PS 59 0045 JO31NO 2025-03-01 17:45:00 G8T 59 0164 JO01NC DF1PU 59 0049 JO40AO 2025-03-01 17:59:00 G8T 59 0169 JO01NC DF1LON 59 0018 JO31HG 2025-03-01 18:01:00 G8T 57 0170 JO01NC DF7JU 59 0025 JO31CQ -- X -- 2025-03-01 18:37:00 G8T 59 0167 JO01NC DF4T 59 0301 JN39NR 2025-03-01 18:52:00 G8T 53 0179 JO01NC DF4IAE 55 0019 JN49IK 2025-03-01 18:54:00 G8T 55 0180 JO01NC DL0WX 59 0180 JO30FQ 2025-03-01 18:56:00 G8T 55 0181 JO01NC DL8RH 59 0035 JO40MC 2025-03-01 19:07:00 G8T 55 0184 JO01NC DO3HTV 55 0035 JO32MO 2025-03-01 19:13:00 G8T 59 0186 JO01NC DA2C 59 0070 JO30XD 2025-03-01 19:17:00 G8T 59 0188 JO01NC DL9NM 59 0008 JO52IJ 2025-03-01 19:27:00 G8T 59 0194 JO01NC DK6QW 59 0027 JO31LO 2025-03-01 19:28:00 G8T 59 0195 JO01NC DK5IR 59 0093 JN49IC 2025-03-01 19:29:00 G8T 59 0196 JO01NC DJ5TM 59 0008 JN49JC 2025-03-01 19:30:00 G8T 59 0197 JO01NC DR2L 59 0246 JO41PW 2025-03-01 19:39:00 G8T 55 0199 JO01NC DK2YCT 59 0069 JO32RG 2025-03-01 19:45:00 G8T 57 0201 JO01NC DO8HK 59 0034 JO42OU 2025-03-01 19:47:00 G8T 55 0202 JO01NC DK5HQ 59 0025 JO53CO 2025-03-01 20:22:00 G8T 53 0212 JO01NC DF1MM 59 0031 JO43HB 2025-03-01 20:23:00 G8T 59 0213 JO01NC DK0FC 59 0033 JO43HB 2025-03-01 20:57:00 G8T 53 0217 JO01NC DK2ZO 59 0024 JN49MA 2025-03-01 21:08:00 G8T 59 0222 JO01NC DL8SCD 59 0069 JN49ND 2025-03-01 21:40:00 G8T 52 0226 JO01NC DL8PA 59 0063 JO40LB 2025-03-02 00:00:00 G8T 59 0229 JO01NC DK0A 59 0367 JN48CO 2025-03-02 09:32:00 G8T 59 0235 JO01NC DH4PSG 59 0024 JO31NN 2025-03-02 09:34:00 G8T 59 0238 JO01NC DL4YBZ 59 0015 JO31LN 2025-03-02 09:37:00 G8T 59 0242 JO01NC DK2PZ 59 0174 JN57MT 2025-03-02 09:39:00 G8T 59 0244 JO01NC DL9FBF 59 0086 JN49GX 2025-03-02 09:40:00 G8T 59 0245 JO01NC DL6NDW 59 0316 JN58MD 2025-03-02 09:40:00 G8T 59 0246 JO01NC DL9DAN 59 0059 JO41HM 2025-03-02 09:41:00 G8T 59 0247 JO01NC DL0HG 59 0002 JO40FF 2025-03-02 09:42:00 G8T 59 0248 JO01NC DL5AWE 59 0052 JO51EA 2025-03-02 09:43:00 G8T 59 0249 JO01NC DC5AJ 59 0017 JO30CN 2025-03-02 09:43:00 G8T 59 0250 JO01NC DD3JN 59 0004 JO31MD 2025-03-02 09:44:00 G8T 59 0251 JO01NC DK2IT 59 0162 JO42JC 2025-03-02 09:45:00 G8T 59 0252 JO01NC DH9FAV 59 0014 JN49HX 2025-03-02 09:46:00 G8T 59 0253 JO01NC DL9UN 59 0053 JO31PL 2025-03-02 09:47:00 G8T 59 0255 JO01NC DM6EE 59 0107 JO52IJ 2025-03-02 09:50:00 G8T 599 0257 JO01NC DL3IAS 59 0105 JN49EJ 2025-03-02 09:50:00 G8T 59 0258 JO01NC DF6WE 59 0155 JO31GO 2025-03-02 09:51:00 G8T 59 0259 JO01NC DL2FQ 59 0066 JN49EW 2025-03-02 09:52:00 G8T 59 0260 JO01NC DL8RB 59 0027 JN39JG 2025-03-02 09:52:00 G8T 59 0261 JO01NC DL8SDQ 59 0053 JN49LC 2025-03-02 09:55:00 G8T 55 0263 JO01NC DF8QB 59 0069 JO31MI 2025-03-02 09:57:00 G8T 59 0266 JO01NC DK7AM 59 0158 JN59SR 2025-03-02 10:05:00 G8T 59 0272 JO01NC DJ6VX 59 0112 JO31NN 2025-03-02 10:08:00 G8T 59 0276 JO01NC DK7DCM 59 0023 JO30TE 2025-03-02 10:10:00 G8T 57 0277 JO01NC DL5BAW/P 59 0007 JO42JW 2025-03-02 10:22:00 G8T 59 0284 JO01NC DK1FE 59 0101 JO30IN 2025-03-02 10:33:00 G8T 59 0290 JO01NC DL1DAW 59 0026 JO31UO -- X -- 2025-03-02 10:34:00 G8T 59 0391 JO01NC DK0AU 59 0122 JO42TL 2025-03-02 10:38:00 G8T 59 0294 JO01NC DL1BFR 59 0029 JO32MO 2025-03-02 10:42:00 G8T 59 0297 JO01NC DL0BBK 59 0032 JO31IG 2025-03-02 10:58:00 G8T 59 0304 JO01NC DH1JY 59 0039 JO31MG 2025-03-02 10:59:00 G8T 59 0306 JO01NC DL5EBS 59 0089 JO31NH 2025-03-02 10:59:00 G8T 59 0307 JO01NC DF0MU 59 0073 JO32PC 2025-03-02 11:06:00 G8T 55 0311 JO01NC DL1DN 59 0009 JO30EP 2025-03-02 11:09:00 G8T 59 0313 JO01NC DM4KCS 59 0166 JO30HK 2025-03-02 11:14:00 G8T 59 0317 JO01NC DF3TE 59 0001 JO30JP 2025-03-02 11:21:00 G8T 57 0319 JO01NC DL2YEY 59 0058 JO41KR 2025-03-02 11:28:00 G8T 59 0322 JO01NC DM8MM 59 0008 JO31AC 2025-03-02 11:28:00 G8T 55 0323 JO01NC DL1FKB 59 0025 JO30GL 2025-03-02 11:29:00 G8T 55 0324 JO01NC DJ6OL 59 0106 JO52AP 2025-03-02 11:30:00 G8T 59 0325 JO01NC DR3K 59 0351 JO31PP 2025-03-02 11:32:00 G8T 59 0326 JO01NC DF0VK 59 0046 JO31TO 2025-03-02 11:35:00 G8T 59 0327 JO01NC DO9ST/P 59 0021 JO40AX 2025-03-02 11:37:00 G8T 59 0329 JO01NC DJ6JJ 59 0026 JO32OH 2025-03-02 11:39:00 G8T 59 0331 JO01NC DM1JS 59 0027 JO43GA 2025-03-02 11:42:00 G8T 59 0332 JO01NC DK6AC 59 0013 JO52IJ 2025-03-02 11:50:00 G8T 59 0335 JO01NC DL4LAB 59 0034 JO53BQ 2025-03-02 11:57:00 G8T 59 0337 JO01NC DF8KVK 59 0181 JN57MT 2025-03-02 11:58:00 G8T 57 0338 JO01NC DF4WO 59 0010 JO30KG 2025-03-02 12:13:00 G8T 59 0349 JO01NC DG1YBN 59 0019 JO31VX 2025-03-02 12:19:00 G8T 59 0353 JO01NC DB6JZ 59 0021 JO31QF 2025-03-02 12:23:00 G8T 59 0356 JO01NC DN4DI/P 59 0117 JO41FE 2025-03-02 12:26:00 G8T 59 0358 JO01NC DR7C 59 0476 JO50WB 2025-03-02 12:39:00 G8T 55 0362 JO01NC DK9CK 59 0051 JO30ON 2025-03-02 12:44:00 G8T 59 0363 JO01NC DL2L 55 0143 JN68DT 2025-03-02 12:44:00 G8T 55 0364 JO01NC DR5W 59 0326 JO61NX 2025-03-02 12:51:00 G8T 51 0365 JO01NC DL7AFB 59 0076 JO62JA 2025-03-02 12:51:00 G8T 55 0366 JO01NC DJ5NE 59 0134 JN59LW 2025-03-02 12:52:00 G8T 59 0367 JO01NC DR2Q 59 0270 JO50SF 2025-03-02 12:54:00 G8T 59 0368 JO01NC DC1SHM 59 0045 JN49ND 2025-03-02 12:54:00 G8T 59 0369 JO01NC DG3EX 59 0029 JO31NH 2025-03-02 13:14:00 G8T 53 0374 JO01NC DF0YY 59 0198 JO62GD 2025-03-02 13:17:00 G8T 59 0376 JO01NC DF2AJ 59 0165 JN48MW 2025-03-02 13:18:00 G8T 59 0377 JO01NC DL8LR 59 0233 JN39PN 2025-03-02 13:21:00 G8T 59 0378 JO01NC DK1FS 59 0062 JN48EU 2025-03-02 13:22:00 G8T 59 0379 JO01NC DK2NI 59 0041 JO31SW 2025-03-02 13:25:00 G8T 38 0380 JO01NC DF2IY/P 59 0028 JN48EU 2025-03-02 13:28:00 G8T 59 0382 JO01NC DF8KY 59 0092 JO30IN 2025-03-02 13:51:00 G8T 59 0387 JO01NC DK5DQ 59 0183 JO31QH 2025-03-02 13:53:00 G8T 59 0388 JO01NC DL1EST 59 0056 JO31LK 2025-03-02 13:59:00 G8T 55 0389 JO01NC DL2LBK 57 0120 JO43WG --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- generated by 'reverse_log_check.php 0.2'