Deutscher Amateur-Radio-Club e.V
Contest Referat

Datum: 19.09.2024
Auswerter: DM6EE, DK3WE

IARU Region-1 145MHz September Contest

Log Check Report:

             Call: DC6GF/P
          Locator: JN48WK
          Section: 145 MHz, 6 Hours
6h Operation Time: 2024-09-07 14:00 ... 2024-09-07 17:55 and 2024-09-08 08:43 ... 2024-09-08 10:47

Final Result:

 Place: 19
 Score: 23544 (claimed: 24883)
  QSOs: 74 (claimed: 78)
Fields: 31 (JN29 JN36 JN38 JN47 JN48 JN54 JN57 JN58 JN59 JN63 JN65 JN67 JN68 JN69 JN75 JN77 JN78 JN79 JN85 JN86 JN87 JN88 JN89 JN99 JO31 JO40 JO50 JO51 JO60 JO70 JO80)
  DXCC: 10 (9A DL F HB9 I OE OK OM S5 SP)

Multiple QSOs (no deduction):

	--- none ---

Erroneous QSOs (deduction noted):

	- 2024-09-08 11:03:00 DC6GF/P 59 0075 JN48WK IK2LFH 59 0070 JN45OM -329
		- QSO outside of 6h operation limit

	- 2024-09-08 11:05:00 DC6GF/P 59 0076 JN48WK DL0TX 59 0086 JN48UO -23
		- QSO outside of 6h operation limit
	  2024-09-08 11:04:00 DL0TX 59 0086 JN48UO DC6GF/P 59 0076 JN48WK

	- 2024-09-08 11:12:00 DC6GF/P 59 0077 JN48WK S56K 59 0584 JN76LL -440
		- QSO outside of 6h operation limit

	- 2024-09-08 11:20:00 DC6GF/P 59 0078 JN48WK IU2TDV 59 0256 JN63DT -547
		- QSO outside of 6h operation limit

Unique Calls (no deduction):

	--- none ---