Reverse Log: ============ OK1VDJ, 145 MHz --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Beschreibung: Dieses 'reverse Log' wurde nicht von der Station selbst eingereicht, sondern aus allen dem Auswertern bekannten QSOs erzeugt. Es enthaelt somit nicht zwingend alle QSOs der Station. Nichtsdestotrotz erlaubt es eine Analyse der empfangenen Seriennummer und daraus resultierender problematischer QSOs. Selbige sind folgendermassen markiert: -- D -- 'Doppelt': Zwei aufeinaderfolgende QSOs mit identischer Seriennummer. Beide QSOs bleiben gueltig. -- M -- 'Verschiebbar': Die Seriennummer ist nicht in der logischen Reihenfolge, kann aber durch Verschiebung in einem 5 min Fenster in die richtige Reihenfolge gebracht werden. Das QSO bleibt gueltig. -- X -- 'Ungueltig': Die Seriennummer des QSOs ist nicht in der logischen Reihenfolge. Das QSO ist ungueltig. -- U -- 'Unklar': Unklare Situation. Das QSO koennte durch manuelle Intervention fuer ungueltig erklaert werden. Description: This reverse log is generated by collecting all good QSOs claimed by other contest participants when the original log is not available. Thus, it might not contain all QSOs done by the station. Nevertheless it allows tracking of the stations activity and its analysis might result in detecting problematic and potentially problematic QSOs. They are marked with the following codes: -- D -- 'Double': Two adjacent QSOs have the same QSO number, both QSOs stay valid. -- M -- 'Moveable': QSO number is out of sync but can be moved in sync by shifting in a five minute time window. QSO stays valid. -- X -- 'Excluded': QSO is out of sync and can not be moved in sync by shifting in a five minute time window. QSO is invalid. -- U -- 'Unclear': Unclear situation. QSO might be lost by manual review. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2024-03-02 14:13:00 OK1VDJ 59 0004 JN79US DL2HTI 59 0008 JO61BB 2024-03-02 14:13:00 OK1VDJ 59 0008 JN79US DL0HAL 59 0003 JO51XK 2024-03-02 14:20:00 OK1VDJ 59 0011 JN79US DO1CS 59 0008 JO60PO 2024-03-02 14:22:00 OK1VDJ 59 0015 JN79US DG4VW 59 0007 JO61VB 2024-03-02 14:27:00 OK1VDJ 59 0019 JN79US DK2CB 59 0005 JO71IX 2024-03-02 14:28:00 OK1VDJ 59 0020 JN79US DH2UAK 59 0002 JO71FU 2024-03-02 14:48:00 OK1VDJ 59 0032 JN79US DK3MT 59 0012 JN68HL 2024-03-02 15:06:00 OK1VDJ 59 0042 JN79US DL2L 59 0028 JN68DT 2024-03-02 15:11:00 OK1VDJ 59 0044 JN79US DO1OHL 59 0012 JO71EM 2024-03-02 15:19:00 OK1VDJ 59 0049 JN79US DD1GR 59 0023 JN58VD 2024-03-02 15:20:00 OK1VDJ 59 0051 JN79US DC3PH 59 0021 JN58PE 2024-03-02 15:58:00 OK1VDJ 59 0072 JN79US DL9BBD 59 0027 JO62QL 2024-03-02 16:12:00 OK1VDJ 59 0077 JN79US DL5MLM 59 0041 JN57MT 2024-03-02 16:28:00 OK1VDJ 59 0084 JN79US DL0DLE 59 0026 JO60BH 2024-03-02 16:32:00 OK1VDJ 59 0086 JN79US DO4HZ 59 0006 JO70JT 2024-03-02 16:33:00 OK1VDJ 59 0088 JN79US DM5F 59 0038 JO71ES 2024-03-02 16:36:00 OK1VDJ 59 0090 JN79US DG6ME 59 0033 JO51KV 2024-03-02 16:37:00 OK1VDJ 59 0091 JN79US DF0LU 59 0099 JO43UA 2024-03-02 16:43:00 OK1VDJ 59 0094 JN79US DL5DRG 59 0016 JO61VA 2024-03-02 16:44:00 OK1VDJ 59 0096 JN79US DL5C 59 0014 JO70IT -- M -- 2024-03-02 16:47:00 OK1VDJ 59 0094 JN79US DL5DWF 59 0012 JO71AA 2024-03-02 16:48:00 OK1VDJ 59 0097 JN79US DM5GG 59 0022 JO61UE 2024-03-02 16:54:00 OK1VDJ 59 0099 JN79US DK6FE 59 0046 JO40KA 2024-03-02 16:55:00 OK1VDJ 59 0100 JN79US DL5ANS 59 0019 JO50UL 2024-03-02 16:56:00 OK1VDJ 59 0101 JN79US DL2LSM 59 0020 JO61GH 2024-03-02 16:58:00 OK1VDJ 59 0103 JN79US DH6DAO 59 0031 JO41CN 2024-03-02 17:00:00 OK1VDJ 59 0105 JN79US DO6JH 59 0019 JO51TX 2024-03-02 17:03:00 OK1VDJ 59 0108 JN79US DJ6OL 59 0009 JO52AP 2024-03-02 17:04:00 OK1VDJ 59 0109 JN79US DL1DXA 59 0016 JO61TB 2024-03-02 17:07:00 OK1VDJ 59 0111 JN79US DL2LBK 59 0050 JO43WG 2024-03-02 17:09:00 OK1VDJ 59 0114 JN79US DL5MO 59 0016 JO50LQ 2024-03-02 17:10:00 OK1VDJ 59 0115 JN79US DL3LAR 59 0029 JO52GE 2024-03-02 17:13:00 OK1VDJ 59 0118 JN79US DL8AMB 59 0027 JO60JV 2024-03-02 17:14:00 OK1VDJ 59 0119 JN79US DL3RHN 59 0028 JO63PM 2024-03-02 17:15:00 OK1VDJ 59 0120 JN79US DH0LS 59 0023 JO61JF 2024-03-02 17:18:00 OK1VDJ 59 0122 JN79US DM1PIO 59 0007 JO72BM 2024-03-02 17:33:00 OK1VDJ 59 0128 JN79US DL2DRG 59 0018 JO70IT 2024-03-02 21:06:00 OK1VDJ 59 0138 JN79US OM5AW 59 0311 JN98AH 2024-03-02 22:10:00 OK1VDJ 59 0153 JN79US DO1GPP 59 0033 JO71FU 2024-03-02 22:26:00 OK1VDJ 59 0156 JN79US DL5GAC 59 0038 JN47UT 2024-03-02 22:32:00 OK1VDJ 59 0157 JN79US DM5B 59 0141 JO60TR 2024-03-03 05:56:00 OK1VDJ 59 0161 JN79US DL7YS 59 0015 JO62NM -- D -- 2024-03-03 05:58:00 OK1VDJ 59 0163 JN79US DR5W 59 0051 JO62RB -- D -- 2024-03-03 05:59:00 OK1VDJ 59 0163 JN79US DM6EE 59 0047 JO52IJ 2024-03-03 06:00:00 OK1VDJ 59 0164 JN79US DJ3AK 59 0012 JO52GJ 2024-03-03 06:07:00 OK1VDJ 59 0167 JN79US DL6UJH 59 0073 JO62WA 2024-03-03 06:08:00 OK1VDJ 59 0168 JN79US DF1HF 59 0067 JO43VF 2024-03-03 06:12:00 OK1VDJ 59 0169 JN79US DF4UM 59 0058 JN48OI 2024-03-03 06:15:00 OK1VDJ 59 0170 JN79US DK2TX 59 0042 JN59LN 2024-03-03 06:18:00 OK1VDJ 59 0171 JN79US DM5M 59 0344 JO51IJ 2024-03-03 06:20:00 OK1VDJ 59 0172 JN79US DR2L 59 0295 JO41PW 2024-03-03 06:22:00 OK1VDJ 59 0173 JN79US DL4OCF 59 0003 JO52IJ 2024-03-03 06:49:00 OK1VDJ 59 0178 JN79US DL2MDU 59 0088 JN58RF 2024-03-03 06:54:00 OK1VDJ 59 0180 JN79US DL8SDQ 59 0053 JN49LC 2024-03-03 06:59:00 OK1VDJ 59 0181 JN79US DR7C 59 0594 JO50WB 2024-03-03 07:03:00 OK1VDJ 59 0183 JN79US DK2LB 59 0161 JO53LQ 2024-03-03 07:08:00 OK1VDJ 59 0185 JN79US DL1RWO 59 0061 JO60RS 2024-03-03 07:11:00 OK1VDJ 59 0186 JN79US DJ1FZ 59 0132 JN49EX 2024-03-03 07:16:00 OK1VDJ 59 0187 JN79US DM3JAN 59 0189 JO60OM 2024-03-03 07:18:00 OK1VDJ 59 0189 JN79US DR1H 59 0674 JN59OP 2024-03-03 07:23:00 OK1VDJ 59 0190 JN79US DB5SM 59 0358 JN59LE 2024-03-03 07:33:00 OK1VDJ 59 0193 JN79US DJ5NE 59 0092 JN59LW 2024-03-03 07:35:00 OK1VDJ 59 0195 JN79US DL7ZN 59 0043 JO62OJ 2024-03-03 07:40:00 OK1VDJ 59 0196 JN79US DK5OA 59 0067 JO52GH 2024-03-03 07:43:00 OK1VDJ 59 0197 JN79US DL2HXE 59 0017 JO61BH 2024-03-03 07:45:00 OK1VDJ 59 0198 JN79US DL5XAT 59 0084 JO53CN 2024-03-03 08:16:00 OK1VDJ 59 0206 JN79US DO3BST 59 0110 JO51KW 2024-03-03 08:21:00 OK1VDJ 59 0208 JN79US DL4ZBG 59 0023 JO41QG 2024-03-03 08:25:00 OK1VDJ 59 0209 JN79US DL5ME 59 0027 JO52SD 2024-03-03 08:42:00 OK1VDJ 59 0219 JN79US DL4WK 59 0099 JO63SQ 2024-03-03 09:01:00 OK1VDJ 59 0223 JN79US DK1MF 59 0063 JN39PJ 2024-03-03 09:02:00 OK1VDJ 59 0224 JN79US DL5ALW 59 0033 JO51PD 2024-03-03 09:08:00 OK1VDJ 59 0226 JN79US DL8ZT 59 0072 JO62NA 2024-03-03 09:54:00 OK1VDJ 59 0229 JN79US DL5BAW/P 59 0006 JO42JW 2024-03-03 09:57:00 OK1VDJ 59 0231 JN79US DF1ASG 59 0086 JO50LQ 2024-03-03 09:58:00 OK1VDJ 59 0232 JN79US DR3K 59 0188 JO31PP 2024-03-03 10:04:00 OK1VDJ 59 0234 JN79US DK0BM 59 0080 JN58UJ -- X -- 2024-03-03 10:23:00 OK1VDJ 59 0221 JN79US DL5AWE 59 0035 JO51EA 2024-03-03 10:27:00 OK1VDJ 59 0243 JN79US DL1JHR 59 0034 JO60LN 2024-03-03 10:31:00 OK1VDJ 59 0247 JN79US DD5DD 59 0002 JO50KU 2024-03-03 10:33:00 OK1VDJ 59 0248 JN79US DH5BS 59 0065 JO63UW 2024-03-03 10:40:00 OK1VDJ 59 0249 JN79US DL2MAJ 59 0055 JN58JD 2024-03-03 10:43:00 OK1VDJ 59 0251 JN79US DL8SCD 59 0076 JN49ND 2024-03-03 10:45:00 OK1VDJ 59 0252 JN79US DN1LR 59 0012 JN58VD 2024-03-03 11:34:00 OK1VDJ 59 0260 JN79US DK2WU 59 0128 JN58WW 2024-03-03 11:39:00 OK1VDJ 59 0262 JN79US DF2AJ 59 0063 JN48MW 2024-03-03 11:41:00 OK1VDJ 59 0264 JN79US DH2PA 59 0126 JN49AE 2024-03-03 11:42:00 OK1VDJ 59 0265 JN79US DL9FBF 59 0149 JN49GX 2024-03-03 11:44:00 OK1VDJ 59 0266 JN79US DF2CD 59 0029 JN48XK --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- generated by 'reverse_log_check.php 0.2'