Reverse Log: ============ OR6T, 435 MHz --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Beschreibung: Dieses 'reverse Log' wurde nicht von der Station selbst eingereicht, sondern aus allen dem Auswertern bekannten QSOs erzeugt. Es enthaelt somit nicht zwingend alle QSOs der Station. Nichtsdestotrotz erlaubt es eine Analyse der empfangenen Seriennummer und daraus resultierender problematischer QSOs. Selbige sind folgendermassen markiert: -- D -- 'Doppelt': Zwei aufeinaderfolgende QSOs mit identischer Seriennummer. Beide QSOs bleiben gueltig. -- M -- 'Verschiebbar': Die Seriennummer ist nicht in der logischen Reihenfolge, kann aber durch Verschiebung in einem 5 min Fenster in die richtige Reihenfolge gebracht werden. Das QSO bleibt gueltig. -- X -- 'Ungueltig': Die Seriennummer des QSOs ist nicht in der logischen Reihenfolge. Das QSO ist ungueltig. -- U -- 'Unklar': Unklare Situation. Das QSO koennte durch manuelle Intervention fuer ungueltig erklaert werden. Description: This reverse log is generated by collecting all good QSOs claimed by other contest participants when the original log is not available. Thus, it might not contain all QSOs done by the station. Nevertheless it allows tracking of the stations activity and its analysis might result in detecting problematic and potentially problematic QSOs. They are marked with the following codes: -- D -- 'Double': Two adjacent QSOs have the same QSO number, both QSOs stay valid. -- M -- 'Moveable': QSO number is out of sync but can be moved in sync by shifting in a five minute time window. QSO stays valid. -- X -- 'Excluded': QSO is out of sync and can not be moved in sync by shifting in a five minute time window. QSO is invalid. -- U -- 'Unclear': Unclear situation. QSO might be lost by manual review. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2023-07-01 14:02:00 OR6T 59 0003 JO20KV DK6AS 59 0002 JO52JJ 2023-07-01 14:11:00 OR6T 59 0011 JO20KV DL0CS 59 0004 JO44UO 2023-07-01 14:17:00 OR6T 59 0014 JO20KV DL8QS 59 0007 JO43KH 2023-07-01 14:17:00 OR6T 59 0015 JO20KV DL5NUA 59 0005 JO63PO 2023-07-01 14:22:00 OR6T 59 0017 JO20KV DF1DT 59 0001 JO31EE 2023-07-01 14:24:00 OR6T 59 0019 JO20KV DK5EZ 59 0013 JO31NH 2023-07-01 14:25:00 OR6T 59 0021 JO20KV DD4A 59 0014 JO42EA 2023-07-01 14:43:00 OR6T 59 0029 JO20KV DF7NX 59 0010 JN49MW 2023-07-01 14:45:00 OR6T 59 0030 JO20KV DL1DKB 59 0011 JO30WW 2023-07-01 14:47:00 OR6T 59 0032 JO20KV DH9JE 59 0004 JO31JG 2023-07-01 14:49:00 OR6T 59 0033 JO20KV DL6ON 59 0004 JO52AO -- X -- 2023-07-01 14:51:00 OR6T 59 0024 JO20KV DD8EI 59 0009 JO31NC 2023-07-01 14:56:00 OR6T 59 0036 JO20KV DK2MW 59 0004 JO31PL 2023-07-01 14:56:00 OR6T 59 0037 JO20KV DG1E 59 0009 JO31LE 2023-07-01 14:56:00 OR6T 59 0038 JO20KV DK5WO 59 0001 JO30AS 2023-07-01 15:04:00 OR6T 59 0043 JO20KV DK4VW 59 0026 JO40IT 2023-07-01 15:06:00 OR6T 59 0044 JO20KV DR7R 59 0005 JO31DF 2023-07-01 15:09:00 OR6T 59 0046 JO20KV DJ6OL 59 0003 JO52AP 2023-07-01 15:14:00 OR6T 59 0049 JO20KV DL3LAR 59 0008 JO52GE 2023-07-01 15:16:00 OR6T 59 0050 JO20KV DG5BRE 59 0006 JO62VM 2023-07-01 15:30:00 OR6T 59 0059 JO20KV DL2PK 59 0002 JO31IK 2023-07-01 15:39:00 OR6T 59 0063 JO20KV DJ3AM 59 0004 JO32OH 2023-07-01 16:01:00 OR6T 59 0072 JO20KV DG4OP 59 0003 JO52BP 2023-07-01 16:15:00 OR6T 59 0077 JO20KV DL4M 59 0033 JO31QX 2023-07-01 16:22:00 OR6T 59 0078 JO20KV DL9DBF 59 0011 JO40AV 2023-07-01 16:38:00 OR6T 59 0080 JO20KV DL5DAW 59 0067 JO31QH -- M -- 2023-07-01 16:39:00 OR6T 59 0082 JO20KV DL0GM 59 0038 JO31UB 2023-07-01 16:41:00 OR6T 59 0081 JO20KV DK0NA 59 0114 JO50TI 2023-07-01 16:42:00 OR6T 59 0083 JO20KV DK6QW 59 0008 JO31LO 2023-07-01 16:44:00 OR6T 59 0084 JO20KV DF0YY 59 0107 JO62GD 2023-07-01 16:49:00 OR6T 59 0085 JO20KV DL2HSX 59 0038 JO50VX 2023-07-01 16:54:00 OR6T 59 0087 JO20KV DL4EAX 59 0002 JO31CS 2023-07-01 17:00:00 OR6T 59 0088 JO20KV DK6NJ 59 0046 JN59WL 2023-07-01 17:02:00 OR6T 59 0089 JO20KV DH5NAH 59 0015 JN58RJ 2023-07-01 17:08:00 OR6T 59 0093 JO20KV DJ8WK 59 0011 JO30WW 2023-07-01 17:11:00 OR6T 59 0094 JO20KV DK2PZ 59 0018 JN57MT 2023-07-01 17:13:00 OR6T 59 0096 JO20KV DL5CAT 59 0014 JO30IK 2023-07-01 17:22:00 OR6T 59 0098 JO20KV DM5M 59 0016 JO51IJ 2023-07-01 17:26:00 OR6T 59 0100 JO20KV DL0MI 59 0002 JO42KH 2023-07-01 17:33:00 OR6T 59 0102 JO20KV DK0FW 59 0012 JO51BB 2023-07-01 17:33:00 OR6T 59 0103 JO20KV DO1FDK 59 0012 JO51BB 2023-07-01 17:34:00 OR6T 59 0104 JO20KV DA0EU 59 0016 JO30EM 2023-07-01 17:35:00 OR6T 59 0105 JO20KV DK0ZB 59 0004 JO42ID 2023-07-01 17:36:00 OR6T 59 0106 JO20KV DK1GM 59 0003 JN57MT 2023-07-01 17:38:00 OR6T 59 0108 JO20KV DL8LR 59 0003 JN39PN 2023-07-01 17:43:00 OR6T 59 0111 JO20KV DH8IAB 59 0025 JO30NO 2023-07-01 17:48:00 OR6T 59 0112 JO20KV DL2RZ 59 0023 JO43WG 2023-07-01 17:52:00 OR6T 59 0113 JO20KV DJ7JM 59 0013 JN48RR 2023-07-01 18:11:00 OR6T 59 0117 JO20KV DF1LON/P 59 0001 JO33QR 2023-07-01 18:16:00 OR6T 59 0120 JO20KV DF4WO 59 0006 JO30JD 2023-07-01 18:19:00 OR6T 59 0121 JO20KV DL7QX 59 0005 JN48QX 2023-07-01 18:19:00 OR6T 59 0122 JO20KV DL1EK 59 0020 JO30IK 2023-07-01 18:20:00 OR6T 59 0123 JO20KV DL9MKA 59 0020 JO51SW 2023-07-01 18:22:00 OR6T 59 0124 JO20KV DF4HA 59 0004 JO43WO 2023-07-01 18:24:00 OR6T 59 0126 JO20KV DK1T 59 0003 JO43WN 2023-07-01 18:26:00 OR6T 59 0127 JO20KV DL0TEU 59 0003 JO43WO 2023-07-01 18:28:00 OR6T 59 0128 JO20KV DL9UN 59 0007 JO31PL 2023-07-01 18:29:00 OR6T 59 0129 JO20KV DL4JG 59 0009 JO31LG 2023-07-01 18:44:00 OR6T 59 0132 JO20KV DJ3QB 59 0009 JO32RG 2023-07-01 18:44:00 OR6T 59 0133 JO20KV DK2YCT 59 0008 JO32RG 2023-07-01 18:56:00 OR6T 59 0136 JO20KV DK0B 59 0049 JO41HG 2023-07-01 18:58:00 OR6T 59 0138 JO20KV DJ6TA 59 0003 JO30MS 2023-07-01 19:17:00 OR6T 59 0143 JO20KV DF2FQ 59 0064 JN58UB -- X -- 2023-07-01 19:27:00 OR6T 59 0045 JO20KV DL8NAS 59 0073 JN59LE 2023-07-01 19:34:00 OR6T 59 0146 JO20KV DM5D 59 0079 JO61OC 2023-07-01 19:37:00 OR6T 59 0147 JO20KV DD7EQ 59 0021 JO31IG 2023-07-01 19:51:00 OR6T 59 0149 JO20KV DC8RI 59 0013 JN68JQ 2023-07-01 19:53:00 OR6T 59 0150 JO20KV DG3BFA 59 0009 JO42OS -- X -- 2023-07-01 20:00:00 OR6T 59 0158 JO20KV DL1SUZ 59 0013 JO53UN 2023-07-01 20:03:00 OR6T 59 0155 JO20KV DL2RMC 59 0029 JN59IF 2023-07-01 20:06:00 OR6T 59 0156 JO20KV DL3SFB 59 0103 JN48WM 2023-07-01 20:13:00 OR6T 59 0158 JO20KV DF8KVK 59 0033 JN57MT 2023-07-01 20:38:00 OR6T 59 0162 JO20KV DF0MU 59 0108 JO32PC 2023-07-01 21:19:00 OR6T 59 0172 JO20KV DL5HF 59 0009 JO43WJ 2023-07-01 21:24:00 OR6T 59 0173 JO20KV DL5EBS 59 0028 JO31NH 2023-07-01 21:38:00 OR6T 59 0175 JO20KV DL2FQ 59 0013 JN49EW 2023-07-01 21:41:00 OR6T 59 0177 JO20KV DL0HTW 59 0111 JO60QU 2023-07-01 21:50:00 OR6T 59 0181 JO20KV DK2LB 59 0001 JO53LQ 2023-07-01 22:03:00 OR6T 59 0182 JO20KV DF0RE 59 0002 JO32OH 2023-07-02 05:43:00 OR6T 59 0185 JO20KV DL1EIP 59 0006 JO31DF -- X -- 2023-07-02 06:37:00 OR6T 599 0176 JO20KV DL0NF 599 0052 JN59PL 2023-07-02 06:39:00 OR6T 599 0187 JO20KV DR5W 599 0086 JO61NX 2023-07-02 06:43:00 OR6T 599 0189 JO20KV DL3NGN/P 599 0038 JN59NU 2023-07-02 06:45:00 OR6T 599 0190 JO20KV DF4OR 599 0014 JN49CD 2023-07-02 06:49:00 OR6T 599 0191 JO20KV DL8MAS 599 0031 JN58LI 2023-07-02 06:56:00 OR6T 599 0193 JO20KV DJ8MS 599 0020 JO54VC 2023-07-02 07:00:00 OR6T 59 0194 JO20KV DL4SBK 59 0011 JN48PV 2023-07-02 07:07:00 OR6T 599 0196 JO20KV DL2YDS 599 0003 JO42BC 2023-07-02 07:17:00 OR6T 599 0198 JO20KV DF6WE 599 0013 JO31GO 2023-07-02 07:32:00 OR6T 59 0200 JO20KV DL0BBK 59 0014 JO31IG 2023-07-02 07:36:00 OR6T 59 0201 JO20KV DL3LAB 59 0007 JO44XS 2023-07-02 08:05:00 OR6T 59 0206 JO20KV DL8CJ 59 0018 JN59LE 2023-07-02 08:13:00 OR6T 59 0207 JO20KV DJ3SN 59 0028 JN48SQ 2023-07-02 08:18:00 OR6T 59 0208 JO20KV DK5IR 59 0008 JN49IC 2023-07-02 08:21:00 OR6T 599 0209 JO20KV DF4ZL 599 0005 JN49GX -- X -- 2023-07-02 08:43:00 OR6T 59 0106 JO20KV DG3EX 59 0027 JO31NH 2023-07-02 08:43:00 OR6T 59 0215 JO20KV DL1HSF 59 0023 JO61FR 2023-07-02 08:52:00 OR6T 59 0219 JO20KV DJ2DA 59 0038 JO61PG 2023-07-02 08:54:00 OR6T 59 0221 JO20KV DH2UAK 59 0021 JO71FU 2023-07-02 09:01:00 OR6T 59 0223 JO20KV DL4YDR 59 0001 JO32RG 2023-07-02 09:32:00 OR6T 59 0226 JO20KV DL4MHA 59 0011 JN58PJ 2023-07-02 09:44:00 OR6T 599 0227 JO20KV DH7FFE 599 0003 JO40FF 2023-07-02 10:07:00 OR6T 59 0231 JO20KV DB1RUL 59 0012 JN49JC 2023-07-02 10:20:00 OR6T 59 0234 JO20KV DL4WK 59 0035 JO63SQ 2023-07-02 10:22:00 OR6T 59 0236 JO20KV DK2NI 59 0009 JO31PW 2023-07-02 10:25:00 OR6T 59 0237 JO20KV DL7YS 59 0019 JO62NM 2023-07-02 10:27:00 OR6T 59 0238 JO20KV DG1YBN 59 0011 JO31VX 2023-07-02 10:34:00 OR6T 59 0239 JO20KV DL2QB/P 59 0015 JO31NB 2023-07-02 10:56:00 OR6T 59 0243 JO20KV DL2GWZ/P 59 0012 JN39XE 2023-07-02 11:36:00 OR6T 59 0249 JO20KV DR0R 59 0014 JO32RG 2023-07-02 11:43:00 OR6T 599 0251 JO20KV DJ4WT 599 0016 JN49EL 2023-07-02 11:54:00 OR6T 59 0252 JO20KV DL6EBP 59 0004 JO30DW 2023-07-02 12:16:00 OR6T 59 0255 JO20KV DO6KBO 59 0001 JO30FQ 2023-07-02 12:47:00 OR6T 59 0257 JO20KV DL2NEQ 59 0018 JN59JM 2023-07-02 12:52:00 OR6T 59 0258 JO20KV DL2MAJ 59 0039 JN58JD 2023-07-02 13:10:00 OR6T 59 0262 JO20KV DK3AX 59 0016 JN59DV 2023-07-02 13:35:00 OR6T 59 0264 JO20KV DF2VJ 59 0013 JN39LI --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- generated by 'reverse_log_check.php 0.2'