Deutscher Amateur-Radio-Club e.V Contest Referat Datum: 22.03.2022 Auswerter: DK3WE, DM6EE DARC VHF-, UHF-, Mikrowellen-Wettbewerb, Maerz 05./06.03.2022 Log Check Report: ================= Call: DJ0IF Locator: JO53LQ Section: 145 MHz, Single Final Result: ------------- Place: 297 Score: 7103 (claimed: 7892) QSOs: 23 (claimed: 23) Fields: 15 (JN69 JN79 JN89 JO50 JO51 JO52 JO53 JO55 JO60 JO61 JO62 JO63 JO70 JO73 JO90) DXCC: 4 (DL OK OZ SP) Multiple QSOs (no deduction): ----------------------------- --- none --- Erroneous QSOs (deduction noted): --------------------------------- --- none --- Penalties --------- - 10% (789 points) score reduction ('due to wrong date and locator') Unique Calls (no deduction): ---------------------------- --- none ---